Mā whero mā pango ka oti te mahi.
With red and black the work will be done.
Real learning from teachers and students only happens if you are ready to take that risk and be in that unconfortable space. Into that uneasy space.
Most people need a reason to go to that place.
What benefit for us all?
- choice
- independence
- collaboration
- connections
When the rate of change outise the organisation is greter than the rate of change inside it, the end is in sight. - Jack Welsh
Visible learning pathways for MLP and personalised learning:
1. Literacy
2. Numeracy
3. Learning to learn skills
Are these pathways visible, talked about and used? Do parents see this in action.
- I now what I my learning?
- I know how to build stamina in my learning muscles?
- Do I know the big picture - why I am learning this?
- Do I know where this little step fits in?
- Can I explain the pathway I need to take?
- Do I know the AKO kids in my class?
- What does ____ look like, sound like, feel like?
- Pathways evident in the playgrounds and coherence accrooss the school.
- Notice, recognise, respond to my pathways for learning.
Expressive and evaluative responses:
Drawing out their ideas of he big idea.
What suppport did they get, do they need? Who did they help?
How do they see themselves as a learner?
Kids taking control of sharing their pathway and progress.
When we work with others we are more effective.
Vygotsky co-consstrction and learning more in a team.
What does good collaboration look and sound like?
- Partnerships between staff and parents
- Teachers show themselves as learners that sometimes get stuck in the pit
- Students look to a wider range of teachers - share the knowedge
- Recognise when a task is not suitable for collaboration
- Teacher model collaboration
- Teaching how to give good feedback - not just doing it for them
- Student progress is the responsibility of the group not one teacher
- Recognise that 'explaining' a task requires a deeper thinking from the more able child
- Learners show evidence of achieving a target
- Everyone knows what to do next
Transformational Roles: (Future Oriented Learning)
- Teacher is no longer the holder of the knowledge
- What is the role of the teacher and learner?
- Teachers and students monitoring ans supporting each other.
- The invisible learner will ask for feedback - the indicator of success!
Key people in this area:
Carol Dweek - Growth Mindset - see previous blog post
Guy Claxton - Building Learning Muscles
- well done you are clever or well done you used the strategy we learned and focussed on the task.
- let's look for somethig a bit more challenging.
The buildings, technologies need to be used to connect students and extend the boundaries of the classroom. SAMR Model
Always ask - how can we use this building, ICT ... in the service of learning?