Wednesday, 15 July 2015

e-asTTle Writing - Marking with Confidence

Issues and Questions:

Conversion Table:
Developed after the e-asTTle Tool was developed. Gives the ability for schools to apply to different 'non-standardised' samples. This is used for writing longer than 40 inutes, not the prompts, character description etc. This is an indication not an accurate score. 

Use a prompt, 40 minutes.... data goes into the machine.  The stuctures are weighted differently e.g. recount, persuasion.

For data entered in the machine - you must use the prompt and the timings. 

Who marks:
Mark your own class because the information gathered is invaluable for Next Steps in the class.

How often:
Suggested 1-2 times a year accross the school. This is a big task so use the information to inform the next few months of learning.

Issues with the spelling levels coming out too low.
R1 - 1B
R2 - 1B
R3 - R6 - need to get through all the curriculum levels to level 5.  These tend to look lower than the other elements as they didnt have 2@ 1B.

Elemets of each section = scores 1-6 so the steps up are about a curriculum level for each element score.

A failure in one element won't skew the overall score majorly but will identify a specific strength or weakness e.g. ideas or spelling.

The only element that deals with genre is structure and language. This makes it the hardenst one to mark. You need the exemplar to help with the deeper features.

Choosing a prompt:
Some prompts are written specifically for junior students - Moment in Time & Recount. Check out the exemplars to see the lowest exemplars to see if it would be suitable for junior students.
Some of the lower genre e.g.  Recount give little opportunity for senior students to add the depth and complexity.
You could use different prompts within the sasme class to allow for best success.

Short cuts to marking:
Know the rubrics well, have time to dig into the exemplars and possibly use your students as benchmarks for a level. It takes time to get confident.

Out of the ordinary marking:
Students who write an explanation or proceedure rather than narrative.
Mark within the rubric. Look for next steps for teaching and learning.

More exemplars:
Unlikely - no ministry contract. Possibly look at using our own benchmarks from within the school.

We now have 20 prompts - they will probably remain the same.
Using the same prompt should give opportunity for progress and development. This would be an easy opportuity for tracking progress.
Prefer to use a different prompt within the same year.

Eletronic Marking:
A complete myth. It is used in some other subjects but the cost is impossible. How can a machine mark writing? Spelling and vocab is supported on a computer so this is not a clear indicator of student ability.
We are looking at making reading tests available in iPads.

Supporting Writers:
If your student is using a device for writing, you need to take this into account and class it as 'non-standard'. The option is to use something like 'notepad' where there are no spelling or synonym tools.

You have to check - is this tool actually testing what we want to find out?  A reading test is a listening test if it is read to the student.

Emergent Writers:
They need 1-2 simple ideas rather than writing their name five times. Should you be testing emergent writers on  e-asTTle. What are we learning from this test? You can scribe below the writing if they can readit to you.

Example of a Level 3 student:
There is no exemplar of a level 3 because there are 7 elements. They will get a score between a given range but might be a great or poor speller etc.

How much:
All sentences are written with capitals and full stops.....
What if there are only two sentences?  It has to be in a longer text.

The notes are listed in the exemplars are not required elements. They are an indicator of what you might see. They are not things to search for. You marks against the to descriptor not the notes. Be careful that the notes are not a distraction.

The course:
The exemplars are an important asspect of the marking tool.

Moderation - understanding the reference materials.
What does an R1, R2 look like! What does a Level 3 look like?

Watch for slippage as the marker - is your marking consistent over time?
Look at the Marking a Script  sheet:
You need to have these things with you - 

  1. Specific exemplars (specific to the prompt)
  2. Rubric
  3. Structure & language notes
  4. The student script
  5. Generic exemplars
  6. Glossary definitions

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