What a mind-blowing day - unpacking Solo Taxonomy with Pam Hook at Springston School.
I couldn't possibly unpack all the points we covered but here are some of the aspects that relate to my 'Teacher Inquiry' of using scaffolding to develop Independent Learners.
What really concerned me was the research done by Carol Dweck that suggested praise for intelligence resulted in students avoiding taking risks and who took failure personally. In contrast, giving praise for effort and strategy selection resulted in students willing to take a risk, who resiliently tried a range of strategies and explained success as a combination of effort and the right strategy.
I need to praise students for showing the A+ Characteristics and selecting an effective strategy.
Next Week:
1. Use the 'Hexagons' to unpack post unit knowledge of science vocabulary and the scientific process. Record group oral explanation of connections to support the image.
2. Introduce the adaptation of the Description++ Map (Description Collector) to unpack and write a five sentence challenge based on an image then use as a scaffolding tool.
3. Order Carol Dweck's 'Mindset' and read it over the holidays.
Term 3
1. Use the 'Hexagons' to unpack what an Independent Learner is - looks like, sounds like and feels like. Look for relationships between these as a whole group.
2. Look at how the Success Criteria for an Independent Learner fit into the Solo stages - co-create a chart like the one below or make a visual cartoon representation of the stages.
3. Make a display to unpack SOLO levels.
4. Model and embed the use of the draft writing rubrics and visual models, providing laminated copies that students can take away for writing support.
All Solo resources here have
been adapted with permission from:
Love the reflection Allana - and the way you have immediately created practical resources that build on the ideas shared. I will send you some SOLO "Think like a scientist" resources I have developed that students can use to self-assess the complexity of their learning outcomes when using scientific language, conducting a fair test, observing and inferring etc. Regards Pam