Thursday, 28 April 2016

Using Coding / Computer Science in the classroom: Tracy Henderson

Computer science is about solving problems:
Check out Computer Science Unplugged!

Can we teach computer science with everyday classroom materials.

Sequential programming:
Use a grid of whiteboards as the planning area. Need to get the blue counter to the house. What language could we use to get it there?
De--bug - you said turn, turn, turn, turn ... what could you use to be specific - 45%, clockwise?

Add a range of issues or barriers. How could you solve these problems. F9 - compression rather than F, F, F, F, x9 All answers are right but which is more efficient.

Move into adding the story that supports the plan. Oral language, written language.

Take to a maths challenge - move to the 100 board and pairs. Add different barriers and solve the problems.

Move to seniors... draw story and determine the language F or R 45 with the younger students.

Place letters, maps, images or compass etc under the plastic mat. Focus on making an activity for the Year 3/4 students. Ideas like constructing a Spanish sentence, adding numbers, matching decimals with fractions...

We are learning programming - not doing SCRATCH. We are focussing on parameters & sequences required for programming. Parameters are what we write on... the programmer decided this. It can't be changed by the user.

Fitness unplugged: (Making a fitness app)
Make an unplugged app that teaches about parameters and loops.
Draw go. I don't know what go looks like. Decide on go.
How do you finish? Computers can't think for themselves, the need to be told.
We want to say something - that is a parameter in the programming. Add a white board to add the writing.

Start, run 10x, burpees, sit. REPEAT (repeat loop)
Put a circle with hoops around the small section - put a circle around it to act as a repeat.
x5 whiteboard so it is not a continuous loop.

In each station - one person is a computer developer. The remainder of the class is doing the fitness activity.

Each day: developers set up the sequence. Kids follow the task. Have 5-6 developers to set up 5-6 stations.

Try a dance sequence, drama sequence.

At the moment - there is no computer in the world that can crack an 8 character password.

Compressing Images: (unplugged site)
Being a human fax and 3D printer.
Following instructions. Keeping to the rule.
Being accurate and precise.
Tracking and systematic ticking off what had been completed.

Bridge: why is it important for the printer to be accurate and precise. Where else is it important to be accurate and precise. 

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